
Categories for BAU Alliances

Inhabited Dissonance

  Das Erbe des Faschismus sichtbar machen? Eine Seminarreihe der unibz Die Seminarreihe „Inhabited Dissonance. Bozen-Bolzano 1922-2024“ findet am 5.,...
Showing the Legacy of Fascism? The unibz seminar series The series of meetings ‘Inhabited Dissonance. Bozen-Bolzano 1922-2024’ will be held...
Mostrare l’eredità del fascismo? Il ciclo di seminari di unibz Il ciclo di incontri “Inhabited Dissonance. Bozen-Bolzano 1922-2024” si terrà...


KACHELOFEN WORKSHOP Mittwoch 26.10.22 17- 20 Uhr in der ar/ge kunst, Bozen mit Giuseppe Marcadent Keramiker, Kachelofenbauer kuratiert von Simone Mair und Lisa Mazza...
TILED STOVE WORKSHOP Wednesday 26.10.2022 5 - 8 pm at ar/ge kunst, Bozen/Bolzano with Giuseppe Marcadent ceramicist, stove-maker curated by...
WORKSHOP DI CERAMICA: STUFE AD OLLE Mercoledì 26.10.2022 ore 17 - 20 presso ar/ge kunst, Bolzano con Giuseppe Marcadent ceramista,...


GERANIUM HYDROLAT WORKSHOP Mittwoch, 08.06.2022 18 - 20 Uhr mit Helga Seeber, Botanikerin in der ar/ge kunst, Museumstrasse 29, Bozen...
GERANIUM HYDROLATE WORKSHOP Wednesday 08.06.2022 6 – 8pm with Helga Seeber, botanist at ar/ge kunst, via museo 29, Bolzano curated...
GERANIUM IDROLATI WORKSHOP Mercoledì 08.06.2022 ore 18 - 20 con Helga Seeber, botanica presso ar/ge kunst, via museo 29, Bolzano...


FOSSILIEN WORKSHOP Mittwoch 30.03.22, 18:00 - 20:30 Uhr in den Räumlichkeiten der ar/ge kunst mit Evelyn Kustatscher, Paläontologin, Naturmuseum, Südtirol...
FOSSILS WORKSHOP Wednesday 30/03/22 18:00 - 20:30 at ar/ge kunst with Evelyn Kustatscher, paleontologist, Natural Science Museum of Alto Adige-Südtirol...
WORKSHOP: FOSSILI Mercoledì 30/03/22 18:00 - 20:30 presso ar/ge kunst con Evelyn Kustatscher, paleontologa, Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’ Alto...
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