Marine Hugonnier, video still from Apicula Enigma, 26', 2013. Courtesy the artist


Ausgehend von anthropologischen Methoden hinterfragt und dekonstruiert Marine Hugonnier (*1969, F/UK) in ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit Konventionen der Präsentation. Durch die Untersuchung der Bedeutung und Grenzen von Bildern, die am Limit zwischen Fiktion und Dokumentation stehen, lädt die Künstlerin ein über die Bedingungen, die unsere Wahrnehmung der Realität formen, zu reflektieren. Ihre Arbeit ist in Sammlungen wie MoMA, Reina Sofia, MACBA, Le Louvre vertreten und wurde in renommierten Institutionen wie Kunsthalle Bern (2007), Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul (2014) ausgestellt.

Im Rahmen von Welcome Bees!  zeigt Marine Hugonnier am 31.5.2016 , 19:30 Uhr den Film Apicula Enigma, 2013 im Filmtreff Kaltern.


Marine Hugonnier, video still from Apicula Enigma, 26', 2013. Courtesy the artist


Marine Hugonnier (* 1969, F / UK) has been carrying out a continuous exploration of the crossroads between anthropology, history and natural sciences. Active for more than 20 years, the inception of her work coincides with a series of ground-breaking theoretical and curatorial events that heralded the tightening of the artistic and anthropological inquiries. Standing in very delicate balance between theoretical concerns, abstract reifications, and research on popular sources of imaginary, Hugonnier’s films and exhibitions often explore the ways in which moving and photographic images approach human-animal-natural-cultural relations, reflecting upon the human fascination for looking at animals, nature, and different cultures and exploring the modes in which such visual exchanges are organised and established.

In the context of Welcome Bees!  BAU presents the work Apicula Enigma, 2013 by Marine Hugonnier at Filmtreff Caldaro on 31.5, 7:30pm.

Marine Hugonnier, video still from Apicula Enigma, 26', 2013. Courtesy the artist


Marine Hugonnier (* 1969 F/UK) sviluppa una continua esplorazione di crocevia tra antropologia, storia e scienze naturali. Attiva come artista da più di 20 anni, l’inizio del suo lavoro coincide con una serie di eventi teorici e curatoriali che annunciavano la vicinanza delle indagini artistiche e antropologiche. Muovendosi in un equilibrio delicato tra preoccupazioni teoriche e la ricerca sulle fonti di immaginario popolare, i suoi film e mostre spesso esplorano i modi in cui film e fotografia rappresentano le relazioni tra natura-cultura-umani-animali, riflettendo sulla fascinazione umana di osservare gli animali, la natura e le culture diverse, esplorando i modi in cui questi scambi visivi vengono organizzati.

Nel contesto di Welcome Bees! BAU presenta il film Apicula Enigma, 2013 di Marine Hugonnier al Filmtreff Kaltern/Caldaro il 31 05 alle ore 19.30.


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