Tue Greenfort, Listen to Nature , 2016 Schenna/Scena Foto: Daniel Mazza


Tue Greenfort (1973, DK) lebt und arbeitet als Künstler in Berlin. Seine Arbeit dreht sich um Ökologie, Geschichte, Umwelt, soziale Beziehungen und Subjektivität. Als Teilnehmer der dOCUMENTA (13) in Kassel war Greenfort Co-Kurator des Archivs The Worldly House für Multispezies-Koevolution. Einzelausstellungen u. a. in der Berlinischen Galerie (2012), South London Gallery (2011) und Wiener Secession (2007). Zahlreiche internationale Ausstellungsbeteiligungen wie Kunstverein Hannover (2011), Royal Academy of Arts, London (2009), Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm (2009) und Skulptur Projekte Münster (2007).

Auf Einladung von BAU realisierte Tue Greenfort die permanente Installation Listen to Nature im Rahmen von Art & Nature 2016.


 Tue Greenfort, Listen to Nature , 2016 Schenna/Scena Foto: Daniel Mazza


Tue Greenfort (1973, DK) is an artist based in Berlin. Greenfort’s work evolves around ecology and its history, including the environment, social relations, and human subjectivity. As a participant in dOCUMENTA(13) in Kassel, Greenfort was the co-curator of an archive on multi-species co-evolution, The Worldly House. He had extensive solo presentations at Berlinische Galerie, Berlin (2012); South London Gallery, London (2011); and Secession, Vienna (2007), and participated in numerous international exhibitions at institutions including Kunstverein Hannover (2011); Royal Academy of Arts, London (2009); Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm (2009); and Skulptur Projekte Münster (2007).

BAU invited Tue Greenfort to realise the permanent installation Listen to Nature in the context of Art & Nature 2016.

 Tue Greenfort, Listen to Nature , 2016 Schenna/Scena Foto: Daniel Mazza


Tue Greenfort (1973, DK) è un artista che vive a Berlino. Il suo lavoro si orienta verso ampie questioni storico-ecologiche, come il concetto di ambiente, le relazioni sociali e la soggettività umana. A dOCUMENTA(13) a Kassel, ha co-curato The Worldly House, un archivio sulla co-evoluzione delle multispecie. Ha realizzato mostre e progetti personali presso Berlinische Galerie (2012), South London Gallery (2011) e Secession, Vienna (2007). Ha partecipato a numerose mostre internazionali in istituzioni come Kunstverein Hannover (2011), Royal Academy of Arts, Londra (2009), Bonniers Konsthall, Stoccolma (2009) e Skulptur Projekte Münster (2007).

Su invito di BAU Tue Greenfort ha realizzato l’istallazione permanente Listen to Nature nel contesto di Art & Nature 2016.



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