Nanna Debois Buhl, Trajectories of the Trachycarpus Fortunei , 2016 Foto: Daniel Mazza



Nanna Debois Buhl (1975, DK) lebt als Künstlerin in Kopenhagen und New York. In ihrer künstlerischen Praxis untersucht sie historisches und kulturelles Wissen über Botantik, die Tierwelt, Bilder und architektonische Elemente. Ihre Installationen und Filme wurden in zahlreichen Institutionen ausgestellt, darunter im Sculpture Center, New York (2015), Pérez Art Museum, Miami (2014), Studio Museum, Harlem, New York (2009) und Herning Museum of Contemporary Art, Herning (2008). Im Auftrag von Percent for Art, New York und The Danish Arts Council hat Buhl mehrere große Arbeiten im öffentlichen Raum geschaffen.

Auf Einladung von BAU realisierte Nanna Debois Buhl das Projekt Trajectories of the Trachycarpus Fortunei im Rahmen von Art & Nature 2016.

 Nanna Debois Buhl, Trajectories of the Trachycarpus Fortunei , 2016 Foto: Daniel Mazza



Nanna Debois Buhl (1975, DK) is an artist based between Copenhagen and New York. Buhl’s practice relies on the continuous investigation of historical and cultural knowledge through botany, animal life, imagery, and architectural elements. Her installations and films have been exhibited in several cultural institutions, such as Sculpture Center, New York (2015); Pérez Art Museum, Miami (2014); Studio Museum, Harlem, New York (2009); Herning Museum of Contemporary Art, Herning (2008). Commissioned by Percent for Art, New York and The Danish Arts Council, Buhl has created several large-scale public works.

BAU invited Nanna Debois Buhl to realise the project  Trajectories of the Trachycarpus Fortunei in the context of Art & Nature 2016.

 Nanna Debois Buhl, Trajectories of the Trachycarpus Fortunei , 2016 Foto: Daniel Mazza


Nanna Debois Buhl (1975, DK) è un’artista che vive tra Copenhagen e New York. La sua pratica artistica si concentra in una ricerca continua sul sapere storico e culturale attraverso la botanica, l’etologia, la cultura visuale e architettonica. Le sue installazioni e film sono stati presentati presso varie istituzioni culturali come lo Sculpture Center, New York (2015), Pérez Art Museum, Miami (2014), Studio Museum, Harlem, New York (2009) e l’Herning Museum of Contemporary Art, Herning (2008). Su commissione di Percent for Art, New York e il Consiglio Danese delle Arti, Buhl ha creato diversi lavori pubblici su larga scala.

Su invito di BAU Nanna Debois Buhl ha realizzato il progetto Trajectories of the Trachycarpus Fortunei nel contesto di Art & Nature 2016.




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