Andreas Angelidakis, Blue Wave , 2016 Naturns/Naturno Foto: Daniel Mazza


Andreas Angelidakis (1968, GR) ist ausgebildeter Architekt, betätigt sich jedoch auch als Künstler und Kurator. Die Inspiration für seine Arbeit bezieht er häufig aus seinem Wohnort Athen und aus dem Motivfeld der Ruine – seien es alte, moderne oder imaginäre. Zuletzt hat er Ausstellungen am PAC, Mailand (2015), am Swiss Institute for Contemporary Art, New York (2014), am National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athen (2014) und an der DESTE Foundation in Athen (2013) kuratiert. 2014 nahm er an der 8.Berlin Biennale und 2015 an der 1.Chicago Architecture Biennale teil.

Auf Einladung von BAU realisierte Andreas Angelidakis die permanente Installation Blue Wave im Rahmen von Art & Nature 2016.


 Andreas Angelidakis, Blue Wave , 2016 Naturns/Naturno Foto: Daniel Mazza


Andreas Angelidakis (1968, GR) trained as an architect; he switches roles between artist, curator, and architect. Inspired by the city of Athens where he lives, his work often deals with the notion of ruin – be it ancient, contemporary, or imaginary. He recently curated exhibitions at PAC, Milano (2015); Swiss Institute for Contemporary Art, New York (2014); National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (2014); DESTE Foundation in Athens (2013); and participated in the 1st Chicago Architecture Biennial (2015), and the 8th Berlin Biennial (2014).

BAU invited Andreas Angelidakis to realize the permanent installation Blue Wave in the context of Art & Nature 2016.

 Andreas Angelidakis, Blue Wave , 2016 Naturns/Naturno Foto: Daniel Mazza


Andreas Angelidakis (1968, GR) ha una formazione da architetto e lavora come artista, curatore e architetto. Ispirato dalla città in cui vive, Atene, il suo lavoro si sviluppa spesso attorno al concetto di rovina – antica, contemporanea o immaginaria. Ha recentemente curato mostre al PAC, Milano (2015), al Swiss Institute for Contemporary Art, New York (2014), al Museo Nazionale di Arte Contemporanea, Atene (2014), alla Fondazione DESTE ad Atene (2013) e ha partecipato alla 1st Chicago Architecture Biennial (2015) e all’8° Biennale di Berlino (2014).

Su invito di BAU Andreas Angelidakis ha realizzato l’istallazione permanente Blue Wave nel contesto di Art & Nature 2016.


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