Alvaro Urbano, My Boy, with such Boots, we may Hope to Travel Far , 2016 Dorf Tirol/Tirolo Foto: Daniel Mazza


Alvaro Urbano (1983, ES) ist Künstler und lebt in Berlin. Nach Abschluss eines Architekturstudiums in Madrid studierte er am Institut für Raumexperimente (UdK) in Berlin. Urbanos Praxis entfaltet sich in experimentellen Prozessen, die Synergien zwischen Lebewesen und dynamischen Strukturen aufbauen. Seine Raum-Zeit-Situationen spiegeln sein starkes Interesse für Architektur und Fiktion. Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen: Kölnischer Kunstverein Köln (2016), Bundeskunsthalle Bonn (2015), Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin (2015), Pavillon Social Kunstverein Lucca (2014). 2014 erhielt er den Villa-Romana-Preis.

Auf Einladung von BAU realisierte Alvaro Urbano die permanente Installation My Boy, with such Boots, we may Hope to Travel Far im Rahmen von Art & Nature 2016.


Alvaro Urbano (1983, SP) is an artist based in Berlin. After his degree at the Architecture School in Madrid, he completed his studies at the Institut für Raumexperimente (UdK) in Berlin. Urbano’s practice unfolds through an experimental process by creating synergies between living entities and dynamic structures, and by scripting time-space based situations with a strong interest in architecture and fiction. His works were shown in solo and group exhibitions including Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne (2016); Bundeskunsthalle Bonn (2015); Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin (2015); and Pavilion Social Kunstverein, Lucca (2014). In 2014 he received the Villa Romana Prize.

BAU invited Alvaro Urbano to realise the permanent installation My Boy, with such Boots, we may Hope to Travel Far in the context of Art & Nature 2016.

 Alvaro Urbano, My Boy, with such Boots, we may Hope to Travel Far , 2016 Dorf Tirol/Tirolo Foto: Daniel Mazza


Alvaro Urbano (1983, ES) è un artista che vive a Berlino. Dopo la laurea in architettura a Madrid, ha completato i suoi studi all’Institut für Raumexperimente (UdK) a Berlino. La ricerca di Urbano si sviluppa attraverso un processo di attivazione e sperimentazione di sinergie tra entità viventi e strutture dinamiche, e nell’elaborazione di situazioni regolate da tempo e spazio, con un forte interesse per l’architettura e la finzione. Ha realizzato mostre personali e collettive presso Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologna (2016), Bundeskunsthalle Bonn (2015), Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlino (2015), Pavillon Social Kunstverein, Lucca (2014). Nel 2014 ha ricevuto il Premio Villa Romana.

Su invito di BAU Alvaro Urbano ha realizzato l’istallazione permanente My Boy, with such Boots, we may Hope to Travel Far nel contesto di Art & Nature 2016.


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