Christian Mittendorfer & Tamás Kaszás, Bauhaus Beehive in process, 2015. Photo: BAU

Gestaltung & Handwerk Christian Mittendorfer

Christian betreibt eine Holzwerkstatt im Zentrum von Bozen, wo sich Gestaltung und Handwerk vermischen. Im Vorraum ausgestattet mit Stühlen, Bänken, Garderobe aus hauseigenem Design lädt Christian uns zum Café ein. Zusammen mit dem Kollegen Alex teilt sich Christian eine gut ausgerüstete Werkstatt und produziert Möbel und Inneneinrichtungen im Auftrag von Kunden und realisiert auch seine eigenen Designprodukte. In Zusammenarbeit mit BAU und dem Künstler Tamás Kaszás hat Christian das Kunstprojekt Bauhaus Beehive produziert. Es sollte eine handwerkliche Unterstützung sein, doch wie der Künstler Tamás Kaszás in einem Interview mit 39Null erzählt wurde daraus weit mehr: “Christian hat sehr gute Ideen. Aus dem Anfangsgedanken Werkzeuge und Workshop zu nutzen, wurde weit mehr. Christian war konzeptuell sehr an das Projekt interessiert, sodass wir Bauhaus Beehive wortwörtlich gemeinsam auf die Beine stellten. Da ich sehr oft in kollaborativen Projekten arbeite, war dies für mich ein natürlicher Prozess.”


Tamás Kaszás, Bauhaus Beehive, 2015. Photo: Daniel Mazza

Design & Craft Christian Mittendorfer

Christian runs a wood workroom and shop in downtown Bolzano, where he combines design and craft in the objects he makes. In the anteroom, furnished with chairs, benches, and wardrobes, Christian greets us with a coffee.

He shares a well-equipped workshop and interior design studio with his colleague Alex where they produce furniture and work on specific commissions, while they also sell their own design objects. Christian collaborated with BAU and the artist Tamás Kaszás in the production of the Bauhaus Beehive. What was meant to be a mere support assistance turned out to be a fundamental collaboration, as Tamás Kaszás tells in his interview to 39Null: “It was more stressful earlier, but now it is going very well. Especially with the collaboration with Christian Mittendorfer in his wood workshop at Bolzano. He’s got really good ideas. Initially, the idea was to only use his workshop and tools – he would just help to cut the bigger pieces with the bigger tools. But then he got totally involved in the project and now we are working together. I often work in collaborations, so for me this development was quite natural.”


Christian Mittendorfer & Tamás Kaszás, Bauhaus Beehive in process, 2015. Photo: BAU

Design & Artigianato Christian Mittendorfer

Christian vive a Bolzano, dove gestisce una piccola falegnameria e un negozio di mobili dal design particolare. Christian ci accoglie con un caffé tra le sedie, gli armadi e le panche, nell’atrio del negozio. Assieme ad Alex, condivide un laboratorio ben attrezzato che usa come studio di interior design, dove produce oggetti propri e su commissione. Christian ha collaborato con BAU e con l’artista Tamás Kaszás per la produzione di Bauhaus Beehive. Se inizialmente il coinvolgimento di Christian doveva essere una semplice assistenza, col tempo si è tramutato in una fondamentale collaborazione: “Christian ha avuto delle idee brillanti. All’inizio l’accordo era di poter usare i suoi strumenti e il suo laboratorio, dove lui avrebbe aiutato soprattutto manualmente nel tagliare i pezzi di legno più grossi. Poi però Christian è entrato a pieno nel processo creativo del progetto. Lavoro spesso attraverso collaborazioni, quindi per me questo sviluppo è stato piuttosto naturale”.


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