Research Project on the artistic estate of Sven Sachsalber, commissioned by Museion and curated by BAU, graphic design_ Cesaretti&Polizzi – Graphic Design Studio, Foto: © Mattia Parodi

Unser guter Freund und Künstler Sven Sachsalber ist am 12. Dezember 2020 im Alter von 33 Jahren in Wien verstorben. Angesichts der internationalen und regionalen Relevanz des Künstlers startet das Museion, das Museum für Moderne und Zeitgenössische Kunst in Bozen/Bolzano (I) in Einvernehmen mit der Familie des Künstlers ein umfangreiches von der Provinz Bozen, Amt für Kultur gefördertes Projekt, um dessen Nachlass zu erfassen und sichtbar zu machen. In einer ersten Phase zeichnet das Projekt mit einer wissenschaftlichen Kartierung und Katalogisierung Sachsalbers Schaffen vor allem in Südtirol nach mithilfe seines engmaschigen regionalen, nationalen und internationalen Netzwerks, das seinen künstlerischen Werdegang wesentlich geprägt hat.

BAU wurde im Mai 2022 vom Museion mit der ersten Phase des Forschungsprojektes beauftragt.


Research Project on the artistic estate of Sven Sachsalber, commissioned by Museion and curated by BAU, graphic design_ Cesaretti&Polizzi – Graphic Design Studio, Foto: © Mattia Parodi

Our beloved friend, the artist Sven Sachsalber, passed away on December 12, 2020, at the age of 33, in Vienna. In view of the international and regional relevance of the artist, Museion, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary art in Bozen/Bolzano (Italy), is launching, in agreement with the artist’s family, an extensive research project, supported by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Office for Culture, in order to capture and visualize his estate. The first phase of the project is to trace Sachsalber’s work, especially that in the South Tyrol, by analytically mapping and cataloguing it with the help of his close-knit regional, national and international network, which played a significant role in shaping his artistic career.

BAU was commissioned by Museion in May 2022 to carry out the first phase of the research project.

Research Project on the artistic estate of Sven Sachsalber, commissioned by Museion and curated by BAU, graphic design_ Cesaretti&Polizzi – Graphic Design Studio, Foto: © Mattia Parodi

Il nostro carissimo amico e artista Sven Sachsalber è scomparso il 12.dicembre 2020 all’età di 33 anni. Consapevole della rilevanza a livello locale e internazionale dell’artista, Museion, Il Museo di arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bolzano in accordo con la famiglia dell’artista ha iniziato un vasto progetto, supportato dalla Autonoma Provincia di Bolzano, Ufficio della Cultura Tedesca, per ricercare, conservare e valorizzare la sua produzione. In una prima fase il progetto ricostruirà il lavoro di Sachsalber attraverso la mappatura e catalogazione scientifica delle sue opere soprattutto in Alto Adige, nonché attraverso la fitta rete di contatti locali, nazionali e internazionali che hanno caratterizzato e reso peculiare il suo percorso.

La prima fase del progetto di ricerca è stata commissionata a BAU da Museion nel maggio 2022.

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