Courtesy the artist Josef Rainer


Ausgehend von historischen Fakten, Kunstwerken aus der Antike, kuriosen Anekdoten oder auch gefunden Schulheften entwirft Josef Rainer (*1970, I)  Skulpturen, Installationen und Geschichten, die eine obsolete Realitätswahrnehmung in Frage stellen. Tiere wie Ameisen, Papageien, Orang Utans, Bienen erscheinen in Rainers Arbeiten, mal als ‚skulpturale Automaten’, aber auch in lebendiger Form, wobei sie das Werk essentiell verändern. Rainer studierte Bildhauerei an der Kunstakademie München und erhielt Stipendien u.a. in Wien, Dufftown/Schottland und London. Gruppenausstellungen u.a. Ferdinandeum Innsbruck, Photissima, Art Fair, Turin, Alessandria Biennale, ar/ge kunst.

Im Rahmen von Welcome Bees! lädt BAU Josef Rainer zum Künstlergespräch Wenn Skulpturen und Tiere mitreden… im Filmtreff Kaltern ein.

Courtesy the artist Josef Rainer


Starting from historical facts, art works from the antiquity, curious anecdotes or found school books Rainer creates sculptures, installations and stories that put into question an obsolete perception of reality. Animals such as ants, parrots, orang-utans, bees appear in the artist’s work, sometimes as a ‘sculptural machines’, but also in living form, where they interact substantially with the artwork. Rainer studied sculpture at the Munich Art Academy and received among others scholarships in Vienna, Dufftown / Scotland and London. Group exhibitions include Ferdinandeum Innsbruck, Photissima, Art Fair, Turin, Alessandria Biennale, ar/ge kunst.

In the context of Welcome Bees! BAU invites Josef Rainer for an artist talk.

Courtesy the artist Josef Rainer


L’artista Josef Rainer sviluppa sculture, installazioni e narrazioni in grado di mettere in discussione la percezione obsoleta della realtà a partire dal ritrovamento di antichi artefatti, notizie, aneddoti e quaderni scolastici. Animali come pappagalli, oranghi, api e formiche appaiono nel lavori di Rainer sia come „macchine scultoree“ che come forme viventi, trasformando l’opera in modo essenziale. Rainer ha studiato pittura all’ Accademie delle Belle Arti di Monaco e ha ricevuto numerosi borse di studio a Vienna, Dufftown/Schottland e Londra. Ha partecipato a diverse mostre collettive tra le quali Ferdinandeum Innsbruck, Photissima, Art Fair, Turin, Alessandria Biennale, ar/ge kunst.

Nel contesto di Welcome Bees! BAU invita Josef Rainer per una conversazione al Filmtreff Kaltern/Caldaro.


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