

Während einer Weinverkostung spricht man von Zitrone, Zimt, Aprikosen. Gelagert ist der Wein im französichem Eichenholz – Lagrein, autoktone Traube und gleichzeitig mit fernen Orten verbunden. Wie ortsspezifisch kann ein Geschmack sein? Dieser Frage geht Smith in ihrem Kunstprojekt Terratorium auf den Grund.

Thema in der künstlerischen Praxis von Emma Smith (* 1981) sind Kommunikation und menschliche Beziehungen. Diese erkundet sie in interaktiven Installationen, kollaborativen Events und performativen Aktionen. Ihre Arbeiten wurden in renommierten Kunstinititutionen ausgestellt: Nottingham Contemporary (2016), Kunstmuseum Luzern (2015), ICA (2015), Tate Modern und Tate Tanks (2012), The Showroom (2011). Weitere international Projekte in Australien, Kanada, China, Dänemark, Indien, Italien, Kenia, Spanien, Schweden und Schweiz. Beiträge an Publikationen inkludieren Manifesta Journal (14), Gallery as Community (Whitechapel Gallery Publications) und Control Magazine (Stephen Willats). Practice of Place, ein Buch über Smith’s Praktik wurde 2015 von Bedford Press herausgegeben.



Lemon, cinnamon, apricot – these are words you might hear during a wine tasting. The wine is stocked in a oak barrel, made out of French oak. Lagrein, an autochtone grape and at the same time connected with elsewhere. How site-specific can a taste be? A question posed by Emma Smith in her project Terratorium, realized in collaboration with Family Estate Mayr-Unterganzner.

Artist Emma Smith (* 1981) creates interactive installations and live action, through collaborative events for experimentation and research, exploring the nature of human relationship and communication through a performance-based social practice. Previous exhibitions and live works include: Nottingham Contemporary (2016), Kunstmuseum Luzern (2015), ICA (2015), Tate Modern und Tate Tanks (2012), The Showroom (2011) London. With international projects in Australia, Canada, the Canadian Arctic, China, Denmark, India, Italy, Kenya, Latvia, Lebanon, Mauritius, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Contributions to publications include Manifesta Journal (14), Gallery as Community (Whitechapel Gallery Publications) and Control Magazine (Stephen Willats). Smith’s book Practice of Place is published by Bedford Press (2015).



Durante la degustazione del vino si parla di limone, cannella, albicocca. Il vino è conservato in una botte di quercia francese. Lagrein è un’uva autoctona dell’Alto Adige e al contempo collegata a luoghi lontani. Fino a che punto può essere endemico un gusto? Questa è la domanda che Emma Smith indaga a fondo attraverso Terratorium.

Punti centrali della pratica artistica di Emma Smith (*1981) sono la comunicazione e i rapporti umani, esplorati attraverso istallazioni interattive, eventi collaborativi e azioni performative. I suoi lavori sono stati esposti in istituzioni prestigiose come: Nottingham Contemporary (2016), Kunstmuseum Luzern (2015), ICA (2015), Tate Modern e Tate Tanks (2012), The Showroom (2011). Smith ha realizzato progetti internazionali in Australia, Canada, Cina, Danimarca, India, Italia, Kenya, Spania, Svezia e Svizzera. Ha contribuito inoltre a pubblicazioni come il Manifesta Journal (#14), Gallery as Community (Whitechapel Gallery Publications) e Control Magazine (Stephen Willats). Practice of Place, un libro dedicato alla pratica di Emma Smith, è stato pubblicato da Bedford Press nel 2015.


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